Philosophy and experience

Over the years Idroedil has accrued significant experience in the field of the management of complex systems for the production of energy and has undertaken investments in the real-estate field both in Italy  and abroad.

Idroedil presents a heterogeneous group of professionals with both general and specialised skills who can interpret innovation and the development of complex projects in the best possible way.

The company philosophy and work methodology are structured in that the company:

– is based on an intense search for the facts

– has clear underlying concepts

– draws inspiration from the formulation of hypotheses

– its hypotheses must be either confirmed or refuted and find practical applications (otherwise they would be tautologies)

– has the aim of producing objectively based solutions.

But it is also flexible since it is:

– open to reconsidering facts, conceptual interpretations and hypotheses

– inspired by the ability to always enable one’s assumptions to be checked

– enabling a search for innovative solutions that challenge common sense

– inclusive of feedback mechanisms and therefore iterative.

It is with this spirit that we tackle the various conceptual challenges and co-operate with the best specialised professionals, combining experience with the best managerial skills with specialised skills.

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