Energy Tobacco “Solaris”
Sunchem Holding holds the exclusive rights to the enjoyment and development on an international level of the new industrial patent “seed tobacco” (Italian patent RM2007A000129 and international patent PCT/IB/2007/053412) .
The plant of tobacco for energy applications, contrary to the tobacco for the cigarettes industry, maximizes the production of flowers and seeds to the detriment of the leaves production, and biomass for biogas production.
The plant is extremely robust, able to grow in various climates and soils, as a matter of fact it can be cultivated on marginal lands which cannot be used for food production.
It is an annual plant, with the harvest in the same year of the sow, allowing farmers to plan every year the size of dedicated fields.
From 1 HA cultivation of Energy Tobacco we could have an average of seed production from 4 to 10 TN with multiple harvest per year (based on different climate condition).
Seed contains around 40% of oil and by cold press we could have 33-34% of raw oil and 65% of protein cake.
Fresh biomass presents a good power of Ch4. Threshing the inflorescence to obtain seed we have dry biomass – another product.
About the product usage:
Crude Oil (energy production, biodiesel, niche market and jet fuel for aviation)
Oil-cake (animal feet because of a good pro-fat mix)
Fresh and dry Biomass (electricity, biogas)
More info on www.sunchem.it